Living Wills: Getting One Step Ahead Of The Humanist Medical System!

Do you want to insure that the medical community expressly knows that you and your loved ones do not waive their liability in making medical-care decisions regarding your health and life, when you are unable to?  Do you want to make the positive determinations as to what care is required, or not, in your final hours?  Do you want to specifically grant medical powers of attorney to those of your choosing?    If so, see these templates for christian Medical Living Wills drawn up for residents of Iowa  and Texas.

Do not see these as complete or lawful in your case.  Rather, take them to your own attorney and have him review and update them as required especially if you are a resident of another state.  That is why we are providing these in editable MS Word format.

Once completed, sign multiple copies and forward them (by registered mail) to the hospitals and doctors in your area that you normally receive medical care from and carry copies in the glove box of your vehicles. Also, make scanned digital copies available to loved ones who can promptly email it to the administrator and risk officer of any hospital or trauma center that you may be admitted to, that hadn’t previously received it.

The Abby Johnson File

Our printable two page flier is here.

Rochelle Sapp conviction and sentencing.

Abby Johnson 2011: “Some of you may think the abortionists hold more  guilt than the mother. I disagree. I do not believe women are “victims” to abortion. I have had two abortions. I was not a victim. I was a perpetrator.”

Here are screen shots if she takes down the above link.

Now she changes her mind on her Meme below.  Murder has now been reduced to a “service” that needs no accountability by the state.  Does she believe the father and all the friends and family who aid/abetted the death of this child should get a free pass, too?

While punishment for capital crimes has many extenuating circumstances and thus can receive various degrees of sanctions from the state, biblically, the death penalty is appropriate for those who murder with planning and intent.  Clearly Abby Johnson no longer thinks she merits punishment from the state, if such had been on the books when she committed her high crimes.

“Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man.  And as for you, be fruitful and multiply;
Bring forth abundantly in the earth And multiply in it.” Gen. 9:6-7

Mrs. Johnson conveniently holds to a modernist Catholic position where she strongly opposes capital punishment.   She’s in the business to stop mass-murder while opposing the sanctions of God’s Law against such criminal conduct. 

Not all women who abort would receive capital punishment, as other crimes of murder don’t receive it now, either.  But avoiding the deterrent effect of God’s just Law against those who dismember their own child, only serves to increase such butchery.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Johnson’s Speaking Fees: $10,000 to $15,000 with this service.  As well, they are listed as $10,000 to $20,000 with this Speaker’s agent below.

Look at the big cash swirling around just one event involving the popularity (idolatry) of one woman who murdered two of her own children.

If you think a movie (Unplanned) can change someone’s mind, consider this.

See her false characterization / generalization of side-walk counselors at the 52:30 minute mark here.

Now to see what real repentant men and women who participated in, or aborted their children, look like see this screen shot below.  First and foremost they confess Christ, then they confess they murdered their child and are not victims.  They are part of the team in Texas  advocating to criminalize abortion again.  This is who Abby Johnson should turn too, for real spiritual advice and counsel.

Most women are not victims of abortion.  I.e. “I like to f**k and then kill my baby.”  See here.

Meet Abby’s lesbian “pro-life” friends. Are there any pro-life Drag Queens she can invite to one of her Guiding Star events?

State and local governments are defying the Federal government on marijuana (Colorado), immigration (sanctuary cities), compliance with the Paris Accord (Minnesota), 2nd Amd. (red flag laws), etc.  But like most socialists Mrs. Johnson places the welfare state above the lives of the babies with many false scare stories.  Criminalizing abortion would end her gravy train!

Most Women Are Not Victims Of Abortion. Read Their Own Confessions!

We at Rescue the Perishing have been battling abortion since 1980.  Over the years we’ve watched the Christian community and the pro-life movement become thoroughly compromised.  Since the early 1990s people like Leslee Unruh of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse and other national “leaders” started speaking of women has victims of abortion.  This served to ignore the baby in most cases.  (Yes, there are a few that are drug, as teenagers, into an  abortion clinic by their parents and forced to get an abortion.  But that is just a few and we’re not including them as they and their babies were victims of their wicked parents…..probably in more ways than one.)  Far too many pro-life “leaders” are quasi-feminists and many have previously murdered their own child(ren).

But for today the vast majority going into abortion clinics have a heart set on wickedness and often brag about killing their own flesh and blood child.  See this stunning report of true confessions from a Christian sidewalk counselor  in the Houston, TX area.

Laws which the National Right to Live Committee have defended for years, that will not punish the murderous woman, are wicked.  Before you disagree do read the report on our link above.

Race Tensions: A Christian Remedy By Former Dordt College Professor

The Christian Philosophy Of Law, Politics And The State, by the Rev. Eustace Lovatt Hebden Taylor, former Dordt College Professor of History and Sociology, The Craig Press, © 1966 (Taylor was trained at Trinity Hall, Cambridge University)

“It is because the Supreme Court of the United States has forgotten that “man’s freedom depends upon the silence of the law” and that man’s legal relationships are only a small part of his total societal relationships that it has now taken upon itself to forcibly integrate colored and white men into one educational association regardless of the deep historical and social differences existing between these groups.  Given the different cultural and historical background of these groups in American society, it is hardly surprising that such social engineering on the part of the executive and judicial branches of American government should create intolerable tensions within the American body politic.” p 306

“That the standard of justice for social relations is different from the standard required in legal relations is proved by the fact that social contracts do not get very far in the courts.  A violation of social norms may but does not necessarily transgress legal norms as well.  The social basis of law implies the competence of the legislator, but this competence must be limited by the proper correlation of the communal and associational functions which may not be infringed by this supposed absolute confidence of the state.  The individual does not enjoy an absolute legal competence or absolute rights, but neither does the state nor central government enjoy absolute sovereignty over man in deciding, for example, which schools their children shall attend and which they shall not.  Such absoluteness is removed if we consider that justice in the social analogy requires a proper balance between the state, the communities and the associations making up a given human society.” p 306-307

“Such a claim to decide men’s societal relationships in all their manifold variety is typical of the totalitarian state.  For the United States Supreme Court and President or for the British Parliament to enact legislation, telling Americans or Britons with whom they shall be educated and where they may or may not eat, play, attend church and work is thus a gross invasion of the American or British citizen’s right to choose his own type of education for his children, his own eating habits and restaurants and his own recreational activities.

Racial issues are not settled by legislation nor at the point of bayonets. They are settled by time and a spirit of patience and of Christ-like forgiveness and understanding of the people directly involved. Military force is not a substitute for persuasion.” p 307

“Liberal humanists have not realized that the basic issue in the present grave racial crisis in America, at least as far as education is concerned, is that the American Federal and State Governments had no business to be involved in the field of education in the first place.  Education is solely the God-given responsibility of parents.  Children are born by reason of the natural powers of reproduction of their parents, not because of the permission of the government.  It is because the Federal and State governments of America have infringed upon the sovereignty of the family and parental sphere by making the education of American children a part of the function of government that the present crisis over the integration of white and colored schools has arisen.  It is because the American public school has been used to serve the improper purposes of providing the basis for the secular humanistic American way of life that all the trouble has arisen.  It is unjust and contrary to God’s cultural mandate for bringing up one’s own children to use the school for such a political purpose.” p 307-308

It is nonsense on the part of educational apostate liberal humanists to claim that all children, regardless of their parents’ ideological and religious persuasion, can meet together on the grounds of a supposedly neutral educational field.  While the public schools of the Deep South have so far achieved only a token integration, Roman Catholic Christians have achieved a far greater degree of integration in their school system for the reason that such integration takes place on a consciously accepted religious basis.  Let the Protestant Christians of America, both colored and white, establish their own Christian day schools, using their common faith in Christ as the basis of harmonious racial relationships.  The only power on this earth which can really bring about true community between people is the religious faith which they hold in common.  Recent events in America and South Africa have proved that the liberal humanist faith in man’s reason, utility and a so-called natural law of the equality between men cannot do this.

The great illusion of modern “post-Christian” democrats and the humanists is that true community can be created between men without the grace and power of the risen Christ.  In the very same year in which James Meredith was forcibly admitted to the University of Mississippi, the Supreme Court prohibited the saying of the Lord’s Prayer in the public-school system of America.  Such apostate humanists apparently expect men to live as brothers without believing in God as their Creator, to found a community of men without any common life of sacraments and creed to bind them together, and to think as one while remaining utterly individualistic and self-seeking.  It is tragic to thank the Anglican Bishops and clergy actually support such humanistic hopes.” p 308

“May every true Christian in the English-speaking world proclaim from the housetops that it is impossible to enjoy the fruits of Christianity without first accepting Christ’s kingship over one’s own personal life.  Outside the body of Christ the world of apostasy from God stands doomed and condemned.  The secular humanist values of “liberty,” “equality,” and “fraternity” are miserable shadows of the Christian experience of the Fatherhood of God, of being adopted children in Christ, of the liberty wherewith Christ makes us free from the power and guilt of sin, and of the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.” p 308-309

It is impossible to expect colored and white people in any part of the world to live together in peace and true community unless both groups come to share in God’s forgiveness of their sins and both races find in the risen Christ a common loyalty in terms of which they can alone build up a stable world order.  For the same reason, it is equally futile to expect unregenerate apostate white men and women to live in peace with each other or to expect unconverted heathen colored men and women to live in real community with each other, unless and until such men and women, whatever the color of their scans, first repent of their sins and then are willing to be led by the spirit of Christ in building up separate Christian associations and organizations not contaminated by the evil and wickedness of a rebellious world.  It is therefore imperative that Christians throughout the world now establish their own Christian day schools, newspapers, trade and labor unions, credit unions and political parties in which Christ’s kingship is taken seriously.  Let Christian people in America, Britain and Canada stop relying upon humanist governments to do the work of a rousing Americans, Britons and Canadians to repent of their sins. It is utterly beyond the powers of the American, British and Canadian governments to create lasting fellowship and peace between differing classes and races. It is only the risen Christ who can reconcile sinners to a just and holy God.  Let us pray that God will give these nations time for amendment of life and repentance of our Church’s failure to witness to the glorious power of the gospel of Christ, crucified and risen for the justification and forgiveness of our sins, including the sin of prejudice, and for the reconciliation of races, classes and nations. (2 Corinthians 5:19).” p 309

Type Of Farmer The Christian Reformed Church Used To Produce.

Henry Vellema: A Life of Real Faith

By Paul R. Dorr
Note: Below are my ‘tweaked’ speech remarks made at American Vision’s God, Culture & Government Conference, Kerrville, TX July 28, 2016.  In the audience that day was a retired District Judge from Baton Rouge, LA, a former attorney for Goldman Sachs (Germany office), and a pastor of a church in Milwaukee, WI.  A former “driver” of a nuclear submarine and professor of electrical engineering at the USNA and now Reformed Presbyterian minister of the Gospel later read this, too. They all encouraged me to publish it.   I have below.

“If the law was so serious in the sight of God that it would require the death of Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, to make atonement for man’s sin, it seems strange for God then to proceed to abandon the law! The goal of the law is not lawlessness, nor the purpose of grace a lawless contempt of the giver of grace. The increasing breakdown of law and order must first of all be attributed to the churches and their persistent antinomianism. If the churches are lax with respect to the law, will not the people follow suit? And civil law cannot be separated from Biblical law, for the Biblical doctrine of law, includes all law, civil, ecclesiastical, societal, familial and all other forms of law. The social order which despises God’s law places itself on death row: it is marked for judgment.”  ~ RJ Rushdoony   (Institutes Biblical Law, Volume 1, page 4)

Though shalt not steal: Eight Commandment
Whoever is a partner with a thief hates his own life;… Proverbs 29:24a
When you saw a thief, you consented (‘ran’) with him, And have been a partaker with adulterers. Psalm 50:18

We all know a person can be a thief  but can the civil magistrate be a thief also?

Isaiah 56:9-11 says,

“All you beasts of the field (prd…metaphor for hostile nations), come to devour, All you beasts in the forest.  His watchmen are blind, They are all ignorant; They are all dumb dogs, They cannot bark; Sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yes, they are greedy dogs Which never have enough. And they are shepherds Who cannot understand; They all look to their own way, Everyone for his own gain, From his own territory.”

Deut. 17: 14-17 says,

“When you come to the land which the Lord your God is giving you, and possess it and dwell in it, and say, ‘I will set a king over me like all the nations that are around me,’ you shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses;… But he shall not multiply horses for himself,… nor shall he greatly multiply silver and gold for himself.”

As Rev. Dr. Joe Morecraft writes, “This text is directly concerned with civil magistrates who are more devoted to seeking their own ease, profit and pleasure than they are with seeking the welfare of the nations committed to them.”  Five Volume Authentic Christianity; An Exposition on the Theology and Ethics of the Westminster Larger Catechism.   Volume 4, page 595

Rulers and kings will often steal by taking the proceeds of your labor simply to keep you enslaved to them.  Ignoring the wiser advice of Jereboam and the elders Rehoboam’s hard and unreasonable demands on the people of Israel in 1 Kings 12 – making the people’s yoke heavier (that is, stealing their labor) – as Pastor Morecraft wrote, “led to the rejection of his authority by Israel who seceded from Rehoboam’s government.”

Government stealing eventually destroys the legitimacy of the government and often leads to war.  Stealing by ‘printing’ paper money (violating Proverbs 20:10 & Micah 6:11) as the Federal Reserve Bank does, just takes a while longer.

In Lev. 27:32 God requires us to give a tithe (10%) of our annual production – i.e. net pre-tax income.  Yet, God is offended when the King implies he is equally sovereign to God by demanding an equal amount of 10%.  Their 10% taking will be raised by a new tax(es), or worse, they propose to rob God of His tithe, due to the Church.   How so?   Samuel warned God’s people who were demanding a King in 1 Samuel 8 that they would have to give 10% of their grain and vintage to the army (v. 15) and 10% of their sheep and they’d be servants to the King (v. 17).  Initially they’d cry out about this offense unto God but in the end they were willing to endure it, so as to have the security of an earthly ruler (v.19-20).  When we look with little true faith  to the government to be our ultimate security, and not our Triune God, we grant them ultimate access to all the wealth God gave us.   Immoral taxation and idolatry are inseparable.

And how much more is God offended when the state steals 30%, 40%, 50% or more through taxation?

Yes modern governments today are routine thieves.

I am standing before you today in large part because of God using the living witness of a Christian farmer (Dutch Calvinist) whom I was privileged to be a pallbearer for at his funeral in 1983. He turned my life irreversibly in a different direction.

His name was Henry Vellema and he was from Harris, Iowa.
I first got to know Henry as his banker.  I later came to realize that Henry was the first Reformed Christian theonomist I had every met. One who, as far as I know, had never even heard the term nor heard of Rushdoony, Bahnsen, North nor any of the other theologians.  Henry loved studying God’s Law from the Bible and joyfully working to apply it.  His was a lifetime of growing in sanctification.

He was born in Holland in 1915.  His father died and he later immigrated to America with his mother and family.   His mother died in Bigelow, MN when he was 9 years of age.  Around 1932 he left Iowa for California to work on a dairy farm in the Bellflower area.  And about four years later he brought his savings back and made a down payment on an 80 acre tract of land in Osceola County, Iowa.  He was in his early 20’s.  He had an eye on a young woman in church, even before he left for California.  When he came back he married Bertha, survived the Great Depression and prospered, while overcoming many challenges.  It was clear, as I got to know him, that Henry left any of Abraham Kuyper’s socialistic bent (Ie. Tax funding of public schools) back in Holland.

He was sitting in my bank office one day in the early 1980s waiting, while I was preparing some paperwork for him, thumbing through his postal mail. Soon I heard him grumble about a letter he received. I asked, “Anything wrong, Henry?” He said, ‘Ohhh that Social Security computer system! Somehow they started sending me monthly checks a couple of years ago.’ To which I said, “So what’s wrong with that?” Here was his reply.

“I have spent years studying God’s Word and I find three ways in it that He will materially bless us here on earth.
1. He will add the increase to the righteous use of our hands and mind applied to the calling He has placed before us.
2. There is also a place for lawful inheritance of earthly wealth to be passed down to one’s heirs.
3. Finally, if I would find myself and family impoverished, pride would not hold me back from going to outside family members or the church deacons to request the charity needed to provide for my family while explaining my circumstances. To the extent they are able, that is their duty.”

All of these, Henry said, would be tied to our faithfulness to Christ and our obedience to His Law.

Henry continued. “I don’t see in the Bible where receiving monies from any other source would be obedient to God, especially if it is brought to me as “free” money from the government. In the 1930s I wrote my congressman and said, ‘You can’t take care of the retirement of the elderly with Social Security. You will bankrupt the system, leaving future generations impoverished and providing incentive for the current generation to abandon their proper duty to provide for themselves.'”  History has borne out Henry’s logical forecast.

He concluded his remarks to me stating, “This is not free money. The Social Security checks are funded by stealing from my neighbors and by stealing from future generations. And the Bible forbids me from receiving stolen property.” (Prov. 29:24, Psalm 50:18)

I asked, “So what are you saying you do about it?” “Every few months I gather up these checks and mail them back to the Social Security office in Des Moines and tell them to keep their stolen property,” he replied.  He was serious and I…was stunned.

Was this just one peculiarity in the life of Henry Vellema?

Not at all. He never took one nickel of stolen government money to subsidize any aspect of his farming operation or his family’s needs his entire life. Yet he paid all of his income, social security and property taxes.

On life’s journey he and his wife, Bertha, raised 11 children on the farm and sent them to Christian schools.  This was before the days of home-schooling. But this wasn’t all. Henry and his family were known to visit the widows and orphans. His family would often go to nursing homes on Sundays and read the Bible and pray to God with residents and then visit about the ‘ole days’, especially memories of their departed spouses, always reminding them of God’s goodness to us through the death and resurrection of His son.

In his day-to-day business affairs, he was continually encouraging the young men he made contact with in farming or in commerce (myself included) to love their wives, to be faithful to them, provide for them, warned of wandering eyes, and admonished us to read the Bible and pray with them daily, if possible. He was never nosy with these men, just earnest for the things of Christ while caring about their families. I ran into a local plumber a year or two ago and he spoke of Henry Vellema and how he used to ask about his then-young marriage and loving his wife. He brought this up 32 years after Henry passed away.

A story was told that a neighbor of Henry’s had such a problem with alcohol that his wife and children once found themselves in a bitter Iowa winter night with the heat off, pipes frozen and water pouring on the floor and very little winter clothing. Henry heard about it the next day and took some of his children to the man’s home. Before he left his farm he called the propane dealer and told him to fill the drunk’s propane tank and put it on his (Henry’s) bill, he called the plumber and asked him to come over, fix the pipes and light the furnace and put it on his bill, and he sent his wife into town to buy some winter clothing and whatever else may be needed. And when he got to the home he set about cleaning up the water mess. When all things were restored, he then pulled the alcoholic out of bed,  poured some coffee into him and informed him that he was coming over the next morning at 4 o’clock and would be getting him up to take him to their dairy barn to begin to teach him how to read God’s Word and how to work.

Long story short, the alcoholic became a productive worker, who, in time, sobered up and passed away years later a professing believer in Jesus Christ. What was so special about that dairy barn? In one corner Henry and this man would spend nearly an hour (starting at 4am) reading the Bible and praying; by 5am they were milking cows and by 6:30am they were busy feeding his other cattle. I imagine breakfast came after all that.  Henry followed through and taught the man Christ, His Law and how to work.

Henry stood up for injustices both in his church and in the community.

When the sexual revolution came to Henry’s small town in the 1970s, he did not take it quietly. One night he was driving a tractor and harvest wagon thru a neighboring community and stopped at the local bowling alley to use the restroom and to get a hamburger and fries. Much to his dismay he found a newly installed contraception machine in the men’s restroom, there for the high school boys to access. He went to the owner of the bowling alley and informed him that his effort to get teenagers to start fornicating was not acceptable and that he must take the machine out as soon as possible. He told the owner that he’d stop back in a few days to make sure it had been removed.  The owner didn’t take it lightly.

Days later as Henry drove through the community again he went back in the bowling alley. He saw the machine still there and being a farmer with pliers in a leather pouch fastened to his belt, pulled it out and splayed the pliers open to use as a small crowbar.  He proceeded to tear the machine off the wall.

That night turned out to be ‘ladies bowling night’.  Henry left the men’s restroom and walked on the return-ball gutters going to the very front of the bowling alley, turned around and asked all the ladies to stop for a moment. When he had their attention, he informed them of what the owner of the bowling alley was doing to help corrupt their young sons and daughters, that he would have none of it, and asked them to let the bowling alley owner know they objected too. He then laid the machine down in front of some pins and walked out of the bowling alley.

When I asked him, “What did you say to the County Sheriff when he showed up at the farm to talk about your vandalizing private property?”  With his trade-mark twinkle in his eye Henry looked at me and said, “I never heard from the Sheriff, Paul. Never did.”  I seriously doubt the owner of the bowling alley wanted to show up in court and face Henry Vellema over a contraception machine.  And I believe if there had been a trial and the court found in favor of the bowling alley owner, Henry would have taken the jail time as opposed to paying any fine.  (Note: I was recently told another version of this account –  that he walked the ladies through the men’s restroom and showed it to them.  The one above is the one Henry told me.)

A high-handed local businessman had several enterprises whose services local farmers depended on. One of them included being a seed dealer. His common practice was that when a farmer placed an order for seed he would deliver double the amount ordered and bill him for it all. Many intimidated by him, reduced any orders they’d placed with other dealers and just paid for it. This was a type of stealing from his competitors.

But not Henry. He would take the doubled portion of the order and place it in a storage building. In the fall of the year when he started getting collection notices for lack of payment for that portion, he wrote the dealer back reminding him that he knowingly delivered double what Henry ordered and that ‘your seed is in my storage shed and you are free to come pick it up.’

Henry loved buying feeder calves from ranchers in western South Dakota.  The annual trek to the Faith, SD sale barn was seen as a special treat to Henry though I never understood why until years later.  He would go out a few days before an auction and visit the ranch families and look over the calves being gathered in for auction. Years later I served many of those western ranch families in that area, helping organize three different successful political fights (requiring voter approval) against oppressive local government.  I have yet to be in any other political meetings like those in South Dakota where they open by standing together, bowing their heads and covering their hearts with their cowboy hats and professing their fear of their Holy God and their complete dependence on the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. With my own eyes and experiences I came to understood why Henry enjoyed his treks to western ranch country.

High view of baptismal vows.

Henry took the baptismal vows made for his children seriously, as well as those children in the covenant community of his church.  When a high-school girl from his church moved out of her parent’s home in with an unbelieving young man, out of wedlock, it was Henry who went to her door and in love called her to repentance.  He urged her to move back home, repent to God, and to her parents and elders.  He told her that the elders need to disciple this man and if he comes to saving faith in Christ and also repents of this illegitimacy then maybe your father and elders can bless a future marriage.  But if you do this contrary to God’s Law you will grow apart from Christ, this relationship will not be blessed and will not likely endure.  She did not heed.  From what I’ve seen every warning Henry gave her in her youth has come to pass.

When it came time to build a new church building for the local congregation Henry stood up and opposed the plan to make one side brick and the other three sides steel siding.  He rooted his opposition in the Biblical doctrine of the ’first fruits’ (I.e. Nehemiah 10:35).   Henry told me that some of the members built their homes out of better quality construction material than they proposed for the church building.  He couldn’t recognize such lack of gratitude to his living God when they wanted to build a church that looked like a “Morton farm building”.

These are some of the stories of the life of Henry Vellema – he loved Christ so passionately that he dared not live in fear of the system, nor take their unjust money. When he passed away he left, I’m certain courthouse records would show, an earthly inheritance worth (in today’s values) several million dollars. His spirit, while telling me these stories, was one of instruction – never once expressing any pride.  It’s like he knew he was not going to be long on the earth and wanted them left behind for the glory of Christ.  I was a 27 yr. old sponge soaking them up, even prodding him for more.

Never seek their peace or prosperity.

Henry agreed with Ezra and shared openly his sorrow over the sins of the church but one thing he believed passionately, as Ezra taught,  “…The land which you are entering to possess is an unclean land, with the uncleanness of the peoples of the lands, with their abominations which have filled it from one end to another with their impurity…. never seek their peace or prosperity, that you may be strong and eat the good of the land, and leave it as an inheritance to your children forever.’  Ezra 9:11-12

Let us not seek their peace and prosperity especially prosperity built on something God declares to be an abomination – fiat money (Prov. 20:10)!  In so doing we and our children can become strong and will have much to inherit.  I am personally moved by the testimony of faithful obedience by God’s people under “burdens”, “judgments”, “taxes”, etc.  from their oppressors found in Exodus 1.  What was their response to tyranny?  They had more babies!  They grew in number against great odds.  This was Henry Vellema.  And we’ve done the opposite for years!

My life underwent a permanent change after experiencing the witness and life of Henry Vellema and his love for Christ.   Every battle I have waged against an unjust state law has always been on the foundation of not being a recipient of any of their stolen property.

I recognize the extreme pressure that our Marxist system places on Christian families. But I have seen far too many effective victories for the glory of Christ against this statist, debt-driven system by my family (and others) when people are often willing to materially risk their reputations and their fortunes. Let us not count the costs of refusing government money too highly. God so often provides and protects.

When it gets to the point that the state has to punish Christian charity, church schools, Christian doctors and hospitals, (all of which should take no government money), food kitchens, etc. the battle – in the hearts and minds of the community – will often come our way! My former Pastor, his father-in-law and the men of their church in the late 1980’s battled the state of Nebraska over their Louisville, NE Christian school.  Their battle made national news.  Their victory – while facing down a phalanx of lawmen (who had seized their church and Christian school) and the Nebraska Attorney General – was beyond imagination.   In the midst of the battle you will often find opportunities to prosecute their corrupt system in the court of public opinion and evangelize your enemies (Philippians 1:12-14).

“But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.”

Henry Vellema never forgot where his wealth came from.

Deut. 8:11-20
“Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes
which I command you today, 12 lest—when you have eaten and are [e]full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them; 13 and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold are [f]multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied; 14 when your heart [g]is lifted up, and you forget the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; 15 who led you through that great and terrible wilderness, in which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty land where there was no water; who brought water for you out of the flinty rock; 16 who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do you good in the end— 17 then you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.’ 18 “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may [h]establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. 19 Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish. 20 As the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God.”

Measure your Kingdom advancing mission, pray for guidance and direction, think years of labor toward its end, repent of any past thievery, count the costs, dump their stolen property and then engage – the results (often stunning) will be in God’s hands.

A book that addresses the spiritual issue of such thievery from Scripture is Larceny in the Heart by R. J. Rushdoony.    Though they had troubles with sin of their own – as all redeemed sinners do – Henry and Bertha Vellema were not troubled by such larceny common in Christendom today.

Paul Dorr of Ocheyedan, Iowa is a Christian, married to his high school sweetheart for 43 years, father of their 11 children (and grandfather of 26 grandchildren….so far), was raised on a NW Iowa family farm, graduate of Unity Christian High School, Orange City, IA and Iowa State University, former banker who had an option to purchase one half of a community bank, was later a bank acquisition consultant in the 1980s and turned down job offers from John Lauritzen (then owner of 1st National Bank, Omaha) and from Frank Vogel (shortly after he purchased the former Sioux County State Bank in Orange City), led the no compromise pro-life movement for many years in Sioux Falls, SD, and is currently a consultant to taxpayers to push back oppressive local government bond, tax and spending issues.  And is one who remains ever grateful to God for bringing Henry Vellema into his life.
Dorr provides day-long Biblical based political training seminars and gives talks on the twin earthly evils of the fiat-money created debt revolution and the sexual revolution. Audiences have included church youth groups, senior college classes, high school assemblies and adult political activists.  He can be reached at 712-758-3660 or

Peter And Connie Wagner’s Filthy Managing Editor

Peter And Connie Wagner’s Filthy Managing Editor. How Did We Get Here?

For many years the N’West Iowa Review (Review) of Sheldon, IA  was seen as a newspaper with balance. This balance was a carefully crafted image by founders and long-time publishers, Peter and Connie Wagner, which seemed to serve them and the region fairly well.  But the last few years these images are waning, rapidly.

You may have noticed their recent front-page articles two weeks in a row, written by Managing Editor Ty Rushing on OC Pride’s LGBT (homosexual) event held in Orange City. The first article was positively promoting it here The second front-page story gave it a positive review after the fact here. The Review also ran a promotional video on their You Tube site here where the queer event was heavily promoted.  (Rushing’s aggressive promotion of this captured Rescue the Perishing’s attention. Not just RTP’s attention but another man in our early-morning Ocheyedan men’s Bible study was also shocked to see it on the front page of the Review.)

This OC Pride event included kids watching drag queens dancing. And an eye witness told us she saw one of these men carry an infant around in his arms, doting over the child which had been lifted out of a mother’s stroller.  The first article and You Tube video featured OC Pride’s event organizer, Mike Goll.  (Remember that name.)  A drag queen is usually a ‘transgender male’ claiming he’s a female and dressing accordingly, in violation of Deut. 22:5.  Here’s a picture of one of the transgender men dressed as a woman who paraded in front of children during the Oct. 19-21 event at the Prairie Winds Event Center, Orange City, IA.  It was taken from a participant’s FB page where he publicly posted it. We have many more, equally offensive.

Has promotion of such unBiblical wickedness come upon the Wagner’s suddenly or have they been open to it in the past?

Peter and Connie Wagner’s Transgender Promoting Granddaughter
Consider Peter and Connie Wagner’s central Iowa granddaughter Zoey Wagner.  Zoey, daughter of the late Jay Wagner, is credited here for leading the effort to bring the first all-gender bathroom to Roosevelt High School in Des Moines. As the Des Moines Register reported, Zoey Wagner was using the women’s bathroom at Roosevelt High School when she noticed a peer who identifies as a transgender man — he uses a male name and wears what would largely be considered male clothes — also using the women’s restroom. He moved quickly and seemed so uncomfortable that Wagner remembered thinking to herself: I wonder why there isn’t a facility at this school for our transgender population?”

On March 7, 2017, granddaughter Zoey took her campaign here to the Des Moines Public School board, “…to have gender-neutral bathrooms installed at all of Des Moines Public Schools’ high schools….”

Here’s two pictures of Zoey, which were publicly posted on her Facebook page here.

This one is below is Zoey and some “devil” friend, apparently in a bed.

Peter himself, below, is a ‘friend’ of granddaughter Zoey on Facebook (FB), where he presumably monitors her activities.  (What Grandpa wouldn’t if they are on FB?)

Connie Wagner wrote here about her granddaughter’s efforts, I certainly couldn’t complain….of Zoey’s accomplishing something that needed to be done. Admittedly a tough subject, but well done.”

Connie, Connie! Please!! High school boys and girls peeing together in the same bathroom is anything but “a needed accomplishment” in the Kingdom of Christ!

We sympathize with the fact that Peter and Connie have both been ill the last few years but surely they haven’t ‘checked out’ have they?

For years Connie Wagner has been on the Osceola County Republican Central Committee.  Zoey has served the Iowa Democratic Party, according to her FB page. This is the party lost to sexual identity politics.

Exposing People Who Buy Their Ink By The Barrel
Rescue the Perishing knows what we’re up against when trying to expose  people who, for decades, ‘bought their ink by the barrel’, as the famous saying goes.  People who own one of the most popular weekly newspapers in Iowa and who arrogate for themselves, via propaganda, what truth is to their 6,000+ paid subscribers.  They get to fashion “truth” as they walk the society under their influence away from Biblical morality.

Now consider what the great French Reformed thinker and legal scholar, Jacques Ellul, wrote in his 1965 classic, Propaganda: The Formation Of Men’s Attitudes, about such power available to them.

“At the same time, these collective beliefs, which the individual assumes to be his own, these scales of values and stereotypes, which play only a small part in the psychological life of a person unaffected by propaganda, become big and important; by the process of crystallization, these images begin to occupy a person’s entire consciousness, and to push out other feelings and judgments. All truly personal activity on the part of the individual is diminished, and the man finally is filled with nothing but these prejudices and beliefs around which all else revolves. In his personal life, man will eventually judge everything by such crystallized standards…. public opinion within an individual grows as it becomes crystallized through the effects of propaganda while his private opinion decreases. Another aspect of crystallization pertains to self-justification for which man has great need, as we have seen in the preceding chapter. To the extent that man needs justifications, propaganda provides them. But whereas his ordinary justifications are fragile and may always be open to doubts, those furnished by propaganda are irrefutable and solid. The individual believes them and considers them to be eternal truths. He can throw off all sense of guilt, he loses all feeling for the harm he might do, all sense of responsibility other than the responsibility propaganda instills in him. Thus, he becomes perfectly adapted to objective situations and nothing can create a split within him. Through such a process of intense rationalization, propaganda builds monolithic individuals. It eliminates inner conflicts, tensions, self-criticism, self-doubt. And in this fashion, it also builds a one-dimensional being without depth or range of possibilities.”  p 164-165

Connie’s columns writing about kids and grand-kids and how often she ends with “God is good”, makes it near impossible to question this ‘family-values’ couple.  They have created their own sense of eternal truths wrapped in ‘God-talk’ while driving out the common man’s judgments. In fact, decades of Peter and Connie’s columns have crystallized for themselves and many of their readers their own ‘self-justification’ while walking most readers away from the Holy God which as Protestants and Catholics they once feared.

Small Taste Of Wagner’s Historical Character

I have listened to Peter at countless local Republican political meetings pray self-serving prayers limited to Jesus ‘our friend’ and never to the Holy God of the Bible who is our Lawgiver.  Not Peter Wagner. His March 2018 prayer at the Osceola County Republican Convention sounded more like a leftist social-justice warrior then a man who fears God and loves Christ his redeemer. (The picture at the top of this story is a snapshot of Peter during his “prayer”.)

The Wagner’s have jockeyed successfully for years to be named as Osceola County delegates to the District and State Republican conventions, yet I (Paul Dorr) don’t recall them ever locally coming to the defense of the Republican Party platform on the sanctity of human life or marriage.  If they did, it certainly wasn’t anything more than the worthless neutered establishment pro-life line.

Peter wrote here recently about his early years in the business and his dependence on his banker, Doug Newman, of the Ashton State Bank.  He wrote, “Sometimes we were [financially] ahead of the game and sometimes, sadly, we were overdrawn…Iowa’s bank examiners arrived in Ashton for their regular audit. It was a time we were overdrawn. Seriously overdrawn.”

Doug Newman didn’t always pay the checks and overdraw Peter’s business account.  I was an officer at the then-Ocheyedan Savings Bank during this same time. Probably half-dozen times our cashier would come to my office with my wife’s  bounced pay-check.  My wife, Debra, was then an editor for Peter and Connie Wagner.  One time I had to go to his home at night and try to collect the pay she earned.  He wasn’t even apologetic about it, but defensive.  Rumors abounded for years of those who had to charge-off debts owed by the Wagner’s. I know of one that was more than a rumor.

Peter didn’t limit his attempts to defraud his employee’s timely pay.  He also attempted to defraud the recognition of their work.  Sometime in the early 1980s a small boy near Lake Park went missing in a corn field and thousands of people turned out to look for him.  Up against a deadline my wife  wrote a gripping story on the rescue attempt.  It was later submitted to a national newspaper group where it won “first-prize” for spot news, weekly newspaper category.  But later the award was issued to Jeff Wagner.  This was made easy to pull off, as the day of the Awards ceremony my wife was in the hospital bringing our 2nd child into the world. But when she later saw the plaque on the wall she was shocked that it listed Jeff Wagner.

I later called the national association and asked them to compare the name on the contest application versus the by-line on the story.  They looked and were surprised, “Debra Dorr wrote the story, not Jeff Wagner.”  They later sent to our home a new certificate and award plaque, naming Debra Dorr.

After our second child was born Deb returned to work where Peter made such a hostile working environment for my wife that she had to resign.  Deb filed an unemployment claim which Peter resisted and where he won, on the first hearing with Iowa Workforce Development.  But on final appeal the senior case officer found Peter had made a hostile working environment and awarded her unemployment compensation.  After providing him national award-winning service Deb left their employment convinced it was their aggravation toward her love of motherhood which prompted them to see her gone.

There are many more reports but most are afraid to go on record. The “eternal” truths which Peter Wagner has crystallized for himself betrays Biblical morality and character and it has for a long time.

Now Let’s Fast Forward

What RTP finds disturbing is in an August 1, 2017 column here, Peter Wagner wrote, “With a third-generation of Wagners coming of age we hope it will continue to be a thriving family business for at least another 45 years.”

Does this third-generation include the likes of Zoey, flying what appears to be gay homosexual banner on this picture taken from her FB page?

Their Filthy Managing Editor

Ty Rushing was hired in June of 2018 to be “the lead content producer for The Sheldon Mail-Sun and help oversee a staff of nearly a dozen writers, editors and photographers for various Iowa Information publications, including The N’West Iowa REVIEW, Sioux Center News and Okoboji magazine” and presumably for the newspapers in Ireton and Hawarden which the Wagner’s recently acquired.  Rushing was  previously employed as a business reporter at the Sioux City Journal.  He is a foul immoral person with a history of social media use that no respectable newspaper would publish. Again, he is the writer who penned the stories on OC Pride listed above.

He has posted such vile, filthy and disgusting tweets on his Twitter account that in the interest of children not seeing them all, they are only accessible by typing in the password FilthyEditor at this link here!  Here is a survey of a few of them below. Warning, even these are disgusting.    Anyone who is rightly shamed by such past posts would take them down.  Not the Managing Editor of the Review – Ty Rushing.  At least not until today.  Don’t be surprised if Rushing scrubs his Twitter and Facebook pages after this is published.  Notice his assessment of ‘un-rape worthy’ women. Doesn’t this  necessarily lead one to conclude that he also finds some women are ‘rape-worthy’.  What female wants to work alone with a man or be interviewed alone by a man, who views women accordingly?

Anyone doing half-a-job in Human Resources these days knows to review a job applicant’s social media pages before offering them a job.  There’s even a more evidence of his boastful filthy morals when he did this stand up “comedy” skit in May of this year in Sioux City, here, bragging about hanging out at a ‘whore bar’ in Newton, Iowa.  Did Iowa Information give him a pass on this stuff?

Rushing also appears to be good friends with Mike Goll, OC Pride Event organizer and their chief spokesperson. See this picture where Rushing has his arm around Goll.

See this next public FB picture on Rushing’s wall where Iowa Information’s Managing Editor calls the OC Pride organizer “a pretty OK guy.”

RTP has contacted Renee Wielenga and Lana Bradstreet, female employees who appear to be under Rushing’s supervision at the Review and the Sioux Center News. We sent them some of his tweets (above) and asked them to forward them on to any other female employees under his supervision. RTP asked their response to having someone in a position of authority over them who has such public views toward women.  Bradstreet had no comment and, as of press time, RTP has not heard back from Wielenga after sending an email and leaving a voice message for her.

Peter and Connie Wagner are still listed with the Iowa Secretary of State’s office as Publishers of the parent company, Iowa Information, Inc.  No matter who controls the Review today they are still the ‘brand-name’ behind this paper and they continue writing their dissembling columns.

It is too bad that a once great newspaper has now drifted into the abyss.  Have they become so jaded that they are willing to employ someone with such coarse filthy moral ethics as their senior managing editor, Ty Rushing, who actively promotes drag queen balls here in NW Iowa?

The Wagners attend Sibley Presbyterian Church.  My goodness, Peter actually teaches adult Sunday School there.   Their Pastor Terry Simm can be reached at (712) 754-3126 or by email at  Ask his elders to hold the Wagners accountable.

Connie Wagner remains on the Osceola County Republican Central Committee.  Its Chairman is Tommy Zylstra of Sibley, Iowa.  Call him at 712-754-4014 and insist he lead the effort to remove from their committee, a woman who is clearly working to undermine that which the state Republican party platform defends and, more so, what NW Iowans historically held firm moral Biblical convictions on!

Also, file your protest with the Wagner’s here.

May God have mercy on my generation who has worked by commission and omission to corrupt those who followed behind us.

Paul R. Dorr, Director
P.O. Box 115
Ocheyedan, IA  51354

















Letter to the Editor (11/3/2018) NW Iowa Review: May God Forgive Us and Awaken The Church

Letter to the Editor
NW Iowa Review
Sheldon, IA

Nov. 2, 2018

Dear Editor;

The primary purpose of the statement I read (found at and my other activities outside the OC Pride event in Orange City (10/19/2018) was born, in part, from an act of contrition and repentance of my own.  A generation ago I stood against then-Northwestern College President Bultmann while he praised their alumni Davis, CA baby-butcher, Dr. Leon Schimmel.  I exposed it by having an airplane pull a banner over Homecoming 1995.  Eighteen years ago, I picketed NWC’s heretical play ‘When Scott Comes Home’ which offered the satanic hope to UNrepentant homosexuals of the assurance of their salvation if they would merely name Jesus Christ.

I also opposed the rampant intrusion of classroom sex-talk and drug-ed into the lives of young people in public and Christian schools.  I stood against those who offered the fake alternatives within the Christian community (Alpha Center Here and Here, Bethany Christian Services, CPCs, etc.) and their phony abstinence education courses.  My challenge was “How can these women publicly teach about marital union apart from Christ, apart from His Word, apart from the parents and apart from Godly preaching from the pulpit? How?”  It was all so coarse.

My critics responded, “Yes, but fathers, elders and pastors aren’t doing it, so we must.”  I would reply, “Then call those ordained of God to repent and take back their proper responsibilities, as there is no public classroom substitute.”   I soon learned that the phony abstinence instructors figured out, much like Planned Parenthood, that “sex sells”.  They weren’t going to give it up.   At the time members of my Presbytery told me I wasn’t winsome enough and “Let God work in the hearts of these parents.”  I listened to them and yielded.  I should not have.  They were wrong.  For acquiescing to my cowardly elders, I have asked God’s forgiveness.

The consequences are that California abortionist Leon Schimmel was recently celebrated at a visit to Promise Community Health in Sioux Center.

And the homosexual agenda at NWC continued on the offense during these years of ecclesiastical remission.  I deeply hold the cowardly church accountable for most of this.  It is far worse now and many young lives have been debauched!

Error, heresy and cowardice has a price.  That is why we now have a crisis in Christendom. That is why Orange City library board members can now approve books designed to seduce boys into homosexual sex and transgenderism…little boys!  These failings played a major role in yielding so many emasculated men and feminist women.  They were abandoned, so often over to soul-degrading sin, when they were children.

I am a redeemed sinner myself, and only by God’s grace am I able to stand against my own sin and that in our society.   I didn’t always respond to this abandonment in a Christ-like manner.  My family paid a price for my stand a generation ago, I was angry with this betrayal and was not always there to meet their needs.  But Christian civilization paid a far greater price because hundreds of leaders in this region feared their loss of popularity and income and didn’t humble themselves, seek courage in Christ’s love and act faithfully and boldly to protect and build-up the children.  Degradation and degeneration among so many young singles, couples and their families now abound!   Many of the young children back then stand today in pulpits, academic halls, courtrooms and in media – often oblivious and making matters much worse.

For many others of today’s millennial generation, I can begin to see their rage against patriarchy as the   patriarchs were phony and refused to protect their own children and instruct them in faith and righteousness.

As far as the city of Orange City’s property goes, I chose the course I took to leverage the truth into the churches.  It is time to separate the sheep from the goats.  The goats will bleat about the $70 of city property lost.  The sheep will realize the great, great harm done to the souls of so many children by this filth and decide to repent before God and stand up against it and so many other areas where they failed.

I am a 1974 graduate of Unity Christian High School.  I loved Christ since a child but came to understand and believe the wonderment of covenant theology, in part, by the instruction of Miss Anne DeVries in Unity’s Bible Class.  Sharing this class with me was now-Orange City Council member Earl Woudstra.  Earl knows better but sits ever so strategically silent.  I have a love for Christ, His bride, His Word and a fondness for Orange City area, because this is where God worked powerfully in my life as a youth.  I weep for their error and looming judgment.

I chose this course ready to receive whatever sanctions the city of Orange City and the Sioux County attorney would choose to mete out against me.  No, I had no special revelation from God but I know that when His people are turned over to apostasy, God called for the destruction of their idols. Their property rights were not an issue for Him. (Number 33:52, Deut. 12:1-3, Ezekiel 6:3, etc.).

Further, in 432 AD the High King Laoghaire (of Ireland) forbade the lighting of any fires on a night approaching the pagan festival of Ostara when he would light the great bonfire on the Hill of Tara. This occasion corresponded to the Christian observance of Easter.  In defiance of the law, St. Patrick lit his own fire on the Hill of Slane, across from Tara, which burned so brightly that the king saw it and sent his soldiers to arrest whoever had defied him and to douse the flame.  St. Patrick’s civil disobedience was the beginning of Christianity coming to that land.

When St. Boniface chopped down Thor’s oak, a tree sacred to the pagan tribes of Germany in 723 AD near Hesse, Germany, he cared not for whose property it was.  As it was used to worship their idol gods and had to go!  The pagans were convinced he would die because of it.  He lived and used the wood from the tree to build one of the first churches in Germany and started the church in that nation.

Worship of the civil magistrate and one of its tools of subjugation and degradation – the sexual revolution – is the idol of our day!  It needs to end.  Where Christian, do you stand?

In Christ,
Paul R. Dorr

May God And The Homosexuals of OC Pride Please Forgive Us!

-For Immediate Release-

(October 19, 2018 – edited 7/25/2022) Orange City, Iowa

Members of OC Pride, before I address your public sins this week-end, my generation must humble itself and confess to God and you, our contributing sins!  On behalf of my ‘yuppie’ generation living here in NW Iowa I ask God and your generation’s forgiveness for our massive sinful commissions and omissions! Lamentations 5:7 is clear, “Our fathers sinned and are no more, But we bear their iniquities.”

Over the last 25 years Christian parents, churches, denominations, colleges, and area schools were challenged!  They were called to repent of their indifference to their duty to ensure consistent Biblical training of their children in the realm of sexual morality, marriage and family!  When many of you with OC Pride were yet children, Rescue The Perishing called on such Christian authorities to repent of their apathy, cowardice, vanity, pride, and any of their own past voice-muzzling sexual sins.  Then, as redeemed Christians, we asked them to humbly join the struggle to raise up “godly seed.” (Mal. 2:15)

But most adults during this time, like Gallio in Acts 18 really “…cared for none of these things.” (17b) and did not bring up their children in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord.  Many attended churches while promoting sexual hypocrisy by their mere acquiescence to the sexual agenda and ended up “provoking their children to wrath” (Eph. 6:4) – the wrath often born of guilty consciences and sexual degradation.  In your childhood – OC Pride members – most fathers were like Haggith in 1st Kings 1 not wanting to suffer the wrath of his rebellious son Adonijah, and thus never in love, rebuked their child’s sin by asking, “Why have you done so?”  Even Eli the priest was condemned of God for merely whining about his rebellious sons but not acting to oppose their foulness. In not acting he dishonored God and as a result Eli lost God’s covenant blessing on his house.  (1 Sam. 2:22-36)

My voice back then was vilified and silenced, sometimes even from the pulpits in this area.  May God have mercy on these men, pulpits and elders.

Elders and pastors did not stand up against the feminist lies that have ruined young women and neutered young men since the early 1970s.  They rolled over when Calvin Seminary professor Marten Woudstra, a homosexual, played a heavy hand in writing the Christian Reformed Church’s “homosexualism” position paper which the denomination adopted in 1973.  Woudstra also served as the Hebrew editor to the NIV Bible which “softened” the seriousness of sodomy.  His personal homosexuality didn’t surface until after his death, but the churches of this area should have separated from the CRC soon after his fake doctrines were adopted.

Over this time courts, cultural institutions, propagandists, teachers, professors, colleges and seminaries were ripping the transcendental, the intimate, holy, private and future-oriented productive power of marital union away from our youth – including many of you now in the gay pride crowd. Those entrusted in your spiritual and moral growth and your protection raised nary a peep.  After all basketball, making money, being well-liked and other distractions meant so much more to them. They did not trust Christ but quivered in fear of mere mortal men, all this when most of you were yet children.

For years, I’ve asked what Rev. Greg Bahnsen of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church once asked, “How many times can a Christian elder turn his head and pretend he just does not see?”

The culture was bad enough, as Rev. B.J. Haan, founder and former President of Dordt College, warned in the 1948 issues of Time and Life magazines.  The B.J. Haan of 1948 cautioned that through movies, Hollywood actors would be teaching covenant children about sex, drunkenness, and violence, thus hindering Christ’s Kingdom advancements.  Yet with Hollywood’s porn industry now destroying children from grade-school age on up to college students and many marriages in the Reformed Christian world, Dordt’s current President Hoekstra recently belittled (time stamp 19:10ff) Haan’s concerns, vainly characterizing them as ‘ranting and railing’.

But worse than the cultural influences were the local classrooms. Classrooms are presumed by children to enjoy the delegated teaching authority of their parents and pastors alike.  When it came to classroom sex talk, children could listen freely without a guilty conscience. They didn’t have to hide it.  But sex-ed changed fundamentally in America in 1966.  It went from biology and physiology to humanist values, attitudes, norms and explicit sexual details all designed to undermine God and parents.

Many Iowa schools were slow to adopt these, so in 1988 the Iowa legislature was pushed to update their Human Growth and Development statutes to include explicit teaching about “human sexuality” and “acquired immune deficiency” (AIDS) in required sex-ed courses to children in 1st thru 6th grades, in Iowa accredited schools.  RTP spoke out – asking pastors and then Iowa pro-life leader and Dordt graduate, Marlys Popma to oppose S.F 2094 as it would only open the door to homosexuals gaining access to sexualize the children in Iowa public and private schools.  Popma said they weren’t going to oppose it, but that she was going to have a seat on a state committee that would oversee its implementation to warn against any abuses.  I was devastated by her toothless compromise, which opened the door to degrading classroom sex talk for most Iowa children, including many of you now with OC Pride.

Most of you, I imagine, were vulnerable children when this government-dictated sexual sewer was launched in the classrooms.  As Catholic scholar Randy Engel has written, “Under the guise of ’education’, the advocates of the new sexual catechesis conspired toward the premature seduction of the child. Having been robbed of the natural protection to their tender psyche normally accorded to children during the latency period, the child is systematically exposed to a barrage of sexual stimuli and images in the classrooms. These images are impressed into the memory and imagination. They return – both voluntarily and involuntarily, to stimulate the libido. The child finds it more and more difficult, if not impossible, to remain chaste. Base sexual instincts are released, and a pattern of sexual aggressiveness emerges. Because of the nature of sexual ‘knowing’ (1 Sam. 1:19-20, et al) which unlike other types of learning such as math or history, involve the passions, damage done to the child is often irreparable.”

Once they blasphemed the transcendent God as “myth”, then the revolutionaries attacked God’s precepts and laws governing sex as mere “mythology” with the necessary arrogance and ridicule added to it. They replaced it with a materialistic view of life.  Private, loving and intimate marital union became naturalistic and animalistic -not any different than any other bodily function. Oh, such degradation they’ve brought us.

Casting God as mythology was not the only change in the lexicon.  Here’s another example. The ever so misguided chaplain at Dordt College, Aaron Baart, himself appears to be a victim of the neglect of the generation before him. In the 1970s the sex educators worked to change language with any moral content.  A national sex-ed group called SIECUS then wrote that homosexuality should no longer be called deviant but a variant of sexual practices.  The moral scrubbing of God’s Word is rather clear if one listens to just a few minutes of Aaron Baart’s talks on sex, where he, too, calls homosexuality a “variant” on sexual lifestyles.  See his slide used at a Dordt College chapel speech here.

As Dr. Melvin Anchell wrote twenty-seven years ago, “The widespread interferences by sex educators in the sexual development of the 3 to 5 year old’s can be seen in the ever increasing exhibitionism and voyeurism that has become a part of our everyday culture.”  Is there any wonder porn is out of control?  We did it to them!

Or as French writer Claude Tresmontant wrote, “One can massacre children by a bombardment, but one can also slowly depress them, demean them, degrade them, turn them from their finality, and that under the influence of the ambivalent milieu, of the teaching one gives them, of the vision of the world one proposes to them. Along these lines one can degenerate children.”  Homosexuals and others lost to heterosexual sin, please forgive my peers who were in authority.  My generation played a serious role in your degeneration.

The sex perverts got the US government to put lots of money into these sex-ed curriculum’s, including the diversionary courses designed to keep the children of offended parents still sitting in the classes.  They were called ‘abstinence courses’ and were aggressively pushed by Leslee Unruh and the Alpha Center in Sioux Falls. RTP challenged her while churches, high schools, Northwestern College and many more welcomed her in. We even leafleted her 1,000-person annual banquet one year in the early 1990s.  See our flier here.  I warned, “She cannot teach about marital union apart from Christ, apart from His Word, apart from their parents and apart from Godly preaching. If the parents and elders aren’t doing their jobs, then call them to repent but don’t try to replace that which God has ordained. You will only teach sexual hypocrisy to the kids…and they will see through it soon enough!” I still have a file full of angry letters from Christians throughout this region who welcomed Unruh’s brand of classroom sex talk. Time and again I witnessed the pulpits yield to Alpha Center-type abstinence instruction. I looked at her 990 IRS tax returns about ten years ago and between her two so-called Christian pro-life groups she was personally pocketing $160,000+ that year. Unruh figured out what the humanists all know – “Sex sells!”

For a generation now, these Christ-less courses have primarily taught sexual hypocrisy to most children in the name of God.  While going through these courses, those who managed to be married as virgins, did so due to an extra measure of God’s grace in their lives and not because of them.

But let’s back up a bit so you can understand what I’m doing here today. The perverse sexual culture of the 1920s in Berlin was being amplified across Germany. The epi-center of this sexual debauchery was Magnus Hirschfeld and his Institute for Sex Research (ISR) in Berlin.  Hirschfeld was one of the first since the so-called Enlightenment to openly advocate for making homosexuality and transgenderism normal.  In a high-profile German court case Hirschfeld testified that “homosexuality was part of the plan of nature and creation just like normal love.” His testimony caused outrage all over Germany.  Hirschfeld kept a massive deviant sex library at the ISR in Berlin.

In December of 1930 Hirschfeld was brought to America by Dr. Harry Benjamin and Dr. William Robinson to speak at the American Society of Medical History to spread his filth here, too.  Meanwhile, the 19th century had been devastating to the churches of the Reformation in Germany. With them mostly emasculated the Church leader’s primary response to Hirschfeld was silence, not unlike the churches of NW Iowa today.  As a result, the Nazi youth movement sensed a political opportunity to capture the anger of the common man against Hirschfeld’s movement, and on May 6, 1933 they moved in on his library of perversion.  They started their infamous book burning program that night, burning 20,000 volumes of what E. Michael Jones called, graphic sexual material.   They also found and burned all the counseling files belonging to homosexual Nazi officers, who had previously been sent to Hirschfeld by court appointment. He was using their sex files for political leverage.

As the Nazis were being swept into power, much of ISR’s sexual perverted archives still made it out to France and then, on to America.  With the help of the American doctors mentioned above Hirschfeld’s library made it to Bloomington, IN, to the Kinsey Institute on the University of Indiana campus.  From there Alfred Kinsey, himself a homosexual, provided fake scientific legitimacy on sexual perversion from the 1960s up through today. The Kinsey Institute set the standards and influenced public policy, state by state, on almost all government mandated classroom sex-ed in America.  Hundreds of thousands of Iowans, alone, have been degraded by such.

This brings us to today.  If we sit idly by much longer then how soon before another socialist Nazi political movement rises to capture such indignation and, again, lead confused common folk to their destruction?  When the Erastian ecclesiastical cowards fail to act it has serious consequences.  Meanwhile, the ‘Nazis’ over at Facebook just censured 800 conservative and libertarian groups last week by shutting down their community pages without real cause.  They had fan pages of tens of millions of people. The ‘Nazis’ at Amazon are now starting to censure scholarly books for sale on their site, whose theology and history they don’t like.  And in denying limited shelf space to the millions of other published books on the market, the Orange City library board itself, engages in a type of censuring. It’s telling, though, the books they do shelve.

I don’t want some radical socialist political party to come forth and do what the churches should be doing.  I am done waiting on the adults in the homes, elders in these churches, school teachers and college professors to repent to Christ and take back their duties.

I’m not representing any political party. I’m standing here nearly alone.  I’ve asked God to use this witness to call out to those adults in authority to tremble before Him, to fall on their knees and repent and then do their duties.  It starts with Pastors admitting to themselves that their claim, “I’m just called to preach the Gospel” often boasted without admitting that their self-imposed limitations to this claim are not Biblical.  May each of you elders and pastors be as encouraged as I was by other faithful men who have stood up. Be humbled and encouraged as to how Christ is using them!

Only now do I plead with the homosexuals and those lost in all kinds of sexual debauchery and pornography to end their self-delusions.  When it comes to sexual conduct under God there is no diversity of morality.  Marten Woudstra’s ‘homosexual orientation’ was a lie!  No matter how loud you scream, mock and ridicule to suppress your consciences, those who receive the love of Christ and the forgiveness of their sins through His shed blood and who then turn in joyful obedience to His Law – are not haters!  The ultimate act of love which Christ’s sinless gift provides to those of us wretches who receive the gift of true faith in Him and turn from their sin, can never be hate. And I know this personally to be true.

Homosexuals – come to see your sin and your past redeemed!  See that the harm the adults did to you as children will also be redeemed.  Begin to walk away from your degeneration and embrace true regeneration by the work of the Holy Spirit! Then go back with the love of Christ and the full assurance of the forgiveness of your repentant sins and call on the adults who harmed you as a child, to join you in faith and repent of their sins. Let us pray mightily that God will use this to stir another Reformation!

Meanwhile, continuing my 25-year stand for Christ I cannot stand by and let the adults – this time the shameful Orange City library board – bring the next group of little children into their foul sexual reality without a firm resistance.  I have checked out, from the Orange City library, several of the books targeting 4- & 5-year old’s which the Drag Queens will likely be reading to children here in Orange City this evening. These copies owned by the city of Orange City, IA will not be part of those they get to read, as I am going to do what the German church leaders should have done in 1933.  I am now going to burn these copies. God be praised!

“Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy.”  Leviticus 19:2