We at Rescue the Perishing have been battling abortion since 1980. Over the years we’ve watched the Christian community and the pro-life movement become thoroughly compromised. Since the early 1990s people like Leslee Unruh of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse and other national “leaders” started speaking of women has victims of abortion. This served to ignore the baby in most cases. (Yes, there are a few that are drug, as teenagers, into an abortion clinic by their parents and forced to get an abortion. But that is just a few and we’re not including them as they and their babies were victims of their wicked parents…..probably in more ways than one.) Far too many pro-life “leaders” are quasi-feminists and many have previously murdered their own child(ren).
But for today the vast majority going into abortion clinics have a heart set on wickedness and often brag about killing their own flesh and blood child. See this stunning report of true confessions from a Christian sidewalk counselor in the Houston, TX area.
Laws which the National Right to Live Committee have defended for years, that will not punish the murderous woman, are wicked. Before you disagree do read the report on our link above.