What Too Many Reformed & Evangelical Girls Have Never Been Taught!

Motherhood is, at best, a minor annoyance to most married Christian women today, as they drop their child(ren) off at the daycare.  (Few advised them of the massive student debt they’d incurr while often earning a college degree of limited value.) Their career too often dominates their life. Their child(ren) are growing further apart from them and worse, from God.  Many such mothers then are reduced to trying to ‘buy’ their child’s love.

Young mothers – consider below the eternal perspective and the concentrated power to form lives for Christ that you possess.  This was written  160 years ago and still remains as powerful today!
“Let us take as an illustration, the case of the mother of a family. The cares of a family are numerous and heavy; and there are many instances, in which it is impossible for a mother, and head of a house, to be engaged in much external ministry for God. But if she be willing to serve Him, she need not be disheartened.

Is not home a little world in itself, and is not she, either for good or evil, the grand influence of home, much, most of it taking its tone from her? Would that Christian mothers recognized more, the great opportunities and responsibilities of home ministry; that they saw how the very fact of their influence being concentrated, gave it force! The charge of gunpowder, which occupies but a little space, sends the shot to a long-distance; what mother can tell, how far her concentrated influence will send her children, in the career of holiness, and usefulness among their fellows.

There is ministry in a Mother’s look. It has re-appeared in after life, amid the gleaming eyes which burn with unhallowed fires; and succoured the tempted one by the memory of its solemn, soft, and holy gaze.

There is ministry in a mother’s voice. It has re-echoed, after many years in the chambers of the memory, and warned in deep mysterious tones, as though it now came from another world, and cheered, and soothed, with even more than the power it possessed in earlier days, as though it were privileged to speak with the soft melody of heaven.

Yes! There is ministry even in a mother’s touch; and long after the hand from which it came, is cold in the motionless solitude of the tomb, it’s impress remains in living power. A mysterious hand from the invisible world traced the sentence of Belshazzar’s ruin; this hand, mysterious and invisible also, leaves imprinted on the heart, words at once of warning and of love – words of most powerful warning, because words of love.

… Yes! Christian mothers, God requires testimony and ministry from you, in your own circles. If you be limited to them, by Him, He will accept your home ministry, and he will not leave you without a reward. You shall act upon the world, from the recesses of your own sanctified home; the ministry which you carried on for God upon the child at your knee, shall have a place, not in the annals of the world alone; your sons will perhaps be the fathers of God-fearing, and God praising families; they will perhaps minister in the public service of the sanctuary; they will salt the society in which they move. It may be, that your daughters, as mothers, will reproduce your influence, the circle widening with every generation; and thus (provided God has limited your circle) show you, if you minister in it for Him, throw forth circles ever-widening more and more, so that you, being dead, shall speak, and live, and move in influence, long after you have departed in the flesh.”

Rev. Philip Bennett Power, M.A., Christ Church, Worthing, West Sussex, England,  I Will: Determinations of the Man of God, as found in some of the “I Wills” of the Psalms, p. 75-76, © 1860, Reprint Pranava Books, India

Asst. Director of Field Operations IDPS Provides Policy on Field Interviews and Interrogations.

Mitch Mortvedt, Assistant Director, Field Operations Bureau, Iowa Department of Public Safety, Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, Des Moines, IA  advised me this month that this attached file is the most current policy manual the state issues to law enforcement officers as to guidelines for interviews, field interviews and interrogations conducted during criminal investigations.  You might learn a bit by reviewing it and consider some of my highlights and comments in the red boxes.  You can download it here.