$900,000 In Excess Salaries At Western Christian

What Role Is Hull Western Christian
Playing To Undermine Christian Homes?

Western Christian High School, Hull, Iowa (WCH) recently distributed a flyer, Stewardship & Sustainability, into the mailboxes of many supporting churches in NW Iowa.  One needs to read it carefully to determine how harmful it is. Please read on for unknown information that reveals the board and senior administrator’s true agenda.

This flyer explains why they want a major increase in tuition for most parents. But consider the implications of what they are saying, more so, what they are not saying, and what they are hiding by not speaking plainly. The chart published in their flyer shows that the total cost of education per student is $14,800 and the parent contribution portion is $11,400 per child. I’ve been told that SW Christian High School, Edgerton, MN, tuition is $7,500 per student, half of WCH’s total cost.  Now consider the propaganda found throughout WCH’s flyer. 

But first, consider this brief review of the hidden character of propaganda.  Propaganda tactics have long used abstract words appealing to emotion and principles without plain language, clarity, or discernment.

As French Reformed legal scholar and philosopher Jacques Ellul writes in his book Propaganda: The Formation Of Men’s Attitudes, “Propaganda cannot be satisfied with partial success, for it does not tolerate discussion; by its very nature, it excludes contradiction and discussion.” p 11 Further, Ellul writes, “In every situation, propaganda hands him (sic. the recipient) the proof that he, personally, is in the right, that the action demanded of him is just, even if he has the dark, strong feeling that it is not.” p 158

Ellul is clear that effective propaganda includes many truthful statements, mixed in with its poison. We can all agree with statements in WCH’s flyer like, “…to raise our children in the light of God’s Word.” and “..providing Christ-centered education for generations to come.”  Propagandists know it is easier for the reader to ignore disturbing themes while reading such positive themes.

People who have succumbed to propaganda do not want to be contradicted or entertain discussion. They often get angry with those who dare question where propaganda is hiding the truth or failing to speak plainly. But what does the Bible tell us to do?

Numbers 12:8 says, “I speak with him face to face, Even plainly, and not in dark sayings;..”  Deut. 27:8 says, “And you shall write very plainly on the stones all the words of this law.” John 11:14, says, “Then Jesus said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead.”  We are not to hide the truth from our brethren.  1 Sam. 3:17 says, “And he said, “What is the word that the Lord spoke to you? Please do not hide it from me. God do so to you, and more also, if you hide anything from me of all the things that He said to you.”

Propaganda Illustrations
Consider WCH’s concealments in the second paragraph.  They write that “Christian schools model responsible financial management…” Model, used as a verb here, means “fashion or shape some malleable material” and/or it means to “imitate.” How is WCH shaping or imitating responsible monetary management? What exactly are they shaping? How well are they imitating such responsibility and who are they imitating? As you see below, they are certainly not imitating Unity Christian High School. Why not plainly write, “Christian schools practice responsible financial management”?   Is it because they don’t practice such responsibility?  What are they hiding by using “model”?

In the third paragraph, where they wrote about, “…state and federal spending in public schools…” they overlooked local property taxes that fund a sizable portion of local public schools.  (I.e. Boyden-Hull CSD collected 40.0% of their annual revenue in FY2023 through property taxes.)   This could have been an oversight, or they don’t want to remind WCH stakeholders, being asked for more money for WCH, that many of them are also funding the secular public schools.  And a side note – I imagine they don’t want you to know that Dordt President Erick Hoekstra campaigned in Sioux Center to Vote Yes supporting property tax increases a few years ago, to help build a new building for the local government school.

Then, in the context of stewardship, WCH wrote, “We believe Western Christian provides tremendous value for the families it serves.”  Why is it a belief?!  Why not demonstrate this value? Financial records of local public schools are available on the Iowa Dept. of Education’s (IDE) website. Why not briefly research and demonstrate WCH’s “tremendous value?”

In the fourth paragraph, they cite The Center for the Advancement of Christian Education (CACE), as an authority on Christian school financial management. CACE’s Exec. Dir. is Tim Van Soelen, the son of former WCH Senior Administrator Marion Van Soelen. Marion was one of the last ones to oversee a building project at WCH.  Then WCH reports that “CACE strongly recommends (working towards) the following metrics: •Charge the True Cost of Education Per Student…”  In finance ‘metric’ as a technical noun, is used in percentages, ratios, etc. – performances, which are precisely measured. But WCH is listing general items. Why not use the plain term “goals”? Is ‘metric’ used to appear precise amidst their vagueness?

Their new goal is to ‘charge the ‘true cost’ of education’…to whom? The parents? If so, why not plainly say that? If not parents, then charge it to whom?

Then WCH states another ‘metric,’ “●All Operational Expenses Covered by Budgeted Items” So what does this mean?  I have examined the financial statements of hundreds of commercial banks, public schools, ag operations, and commercial businesses.  With my training and experience, this still tells me nothing. Aren’t these expenses already covered by budgeted items?  If not, explain why not and who covers them now. And how much of the budget do these items cover?

In the last paragraph on page one, the flyer says WCH’s “Board of Trustees and Leadership will be intentional about shrinking the gap between the true cost of education and what we charge for tuition.”  Who would unintentionally shrink this gap? Why is the word ‘intentional’ even needed? The flyer is thankful for its ‘partnerships’ with area churches and other financial supporters of their mission. Don’t partners normally have proportionate authority?  Why not call these churches and others what they are – donors?  

Trying To Generate $1,000,000 Per Year In New Cash Flow
Again, the flyer reports a $3,400 difference between the cost of education and the tuition that parents pay. WCH also reported to the IDE that their enrollment this past Fall (2024) was 301 students.  $3,400 times 301 students equals $1,023,000. This is the amount they propose parents cover in higher tuition, or as they call it “shrinking the gap” between the total cost and the tuition.

Then they show their hand. Once they raise tuition to cover that $3,400 per student, then a “significant portion of donations” can go toward the Board’s “comprehensive capital campaigns” and “future expansion to meet the needs of our growing student population.”

Public school building proposals in the upper Midwest routinely include a grossly disproportionate share of square footage dedicated to athletics. Is this possibly what WCH Trustees have in mind? A major expansion in their athletic facilities?

In my political consulting work, I routinely expose fraudulent misrepresentations of student “growth” to justify new buildings by government (public) schools. Even with a sustained collapse in the birth rates for several decades across the upper Midwest in every school bond fight I’ve consulted in (hired by clients), the school board deceitfully declares their enrollment numbers are growing. I help reveal to voters this is not true, or at best, they exaggerate a brief deviation.

Now WCH has joined this deceit!  WCH reported to the IDE last Fall’s (2024) enrollment at 301 students. They reported 298 students enrolled in 2010 and 419 students enrolled in 2000. Their enrollment has “grown” by three students in the last 15 years and has declined by 118 students in the last 25 years.

If they free up $1,023,000 per year by making parents pay more, how much can they spend on new buildings?  In the worst case, $1,000,000 per year paid by WCH over 25 years at 4.5% could amortize a $14,800,000 bond, that is, upfront money to spend on buildings.

Cutting Wasteful Salaries At Western Christian High
Let’s say, for illustration, that parents and families would still support a $10 million bond to add WCH building space to “accommodate” their 28% enrollment decline, over the last 25 years. Might there be another way to pay for it than out of the pockets of parents? Here’s an idea. Fire some employees and cut the salaries of others!

If WCH could get their salaries in line with Unity Christian High School (UCHS), they could annually save nearly $900,000. As a Non-Profit, WCH is required to file public tax returns with the IRS (990 PF).  The most recent year they’ve been published is 2022.  I divided the total salaries by the grades 9-12 enrollment provided by IDE. Total salary expenses at WCH were $11,085 per student.  They were $7,955 at UCHS, a $3,130 per student difference. This amount multiplied by 284 students (2022) equals $888,000.  See the chart above. This “proposed” $10 million bond would cost $675,000 per year to amortize and they’d have $213,000 ($888,000 – $675,000) left over.  Again, this assumes the parents agree to this massive tuition increase along with a possible $10 million WCH building proposal.

How sure am I about these excessive salaries? Look at the chart above to see the growth in WCH’s salaries compared to UCHS, which now has more students enrolled than WCH.

Who’s getting overpaid at WCH?  In public schools, the large increases in salary expenses often go to the administrators. How much are Brian Verwolf and Justin Negen making?

Verwolf’s peer, Jay Woudstra, at Sioux Falls Christian High School, made $225,000 in the 2022 tax year.

Also, the IDE says UCHS’s guidance counselor holds a ‘coaching certificate.’  WCH’s Career and College Counselor, Molly Khang, has a Professional Services License with a Master of Arts as a Licensed Professional Counselor. The cost difference between the two should be investigated. If WCH cut their excessive salaries, they could fund the debt payments for a $10 million building upgrade to ‘accommodate’ their long-term declining enrollment.

Here’s The Long-Term Harm Being Done By WCH
WCH’s flyer then states their students “…graduate well prepared for the workforce or further education.”  Notice the glaring absence of what they are not preparing female students for? Their only two options, according to WCH, are the workforce, where they can pay more taxes, be away from home, and then labor to pay for the Christian school tuition of future children which she may have if she gets married. Or she can borrow a lot of money to go to college and get an often-worthless degree in the social sciences (I.e. psychology) while helping ensure the academic social engineers at Dordt and Calvin remain well-employed. I call it supporting the Christian Education-Industrial Complex.

After college graduation, female students are often straddled with massive student loan payments, a high-end lifestyle that high school and college taught them, and high-dollar tuition payments incurred by any future children she has. Worse, she could be swirling down the financial drain and be tempted to focus on her career and not even desire marriage.  This has already become a stark reality after what I hear from young Christian Reformed men.  Two generations of pushing girls into the workforce or into college have done tremendous damage to the covenant community of believers of Jesus Christ.  Family formations have nearly collapsed.   Many authors have documented that the roots of feminism (who were the ones agitating women to work out of the home) are truly Satanic. Ask me for a reading list, if you are interested.   Young men in churches are starting to awaken.  See this great conversation about the harm of women working out of the home here.

Two Kids In A Family At WCH Cost Nearly $30,000 Per Year In Tuition!
When the Trustees increase tuition to a total of $14,800 per student, if a family has two children enrolled at WCH they would need to fund $29,600 per year (less any multiple-child discounts WCH may offer) in tuition.  Unless they have a local church or grandparents’ support, few families with moms at home will be able to afford this. What are they forced to do? The mother so often must leave home to go into the work world, where she often becomes submissive to a male employer in her job duties. This working arrangement is offensive to honest husbands. Too many husbands have become emasculated in this process!

Damage To Young Women And Their Future Homes
God did not make women able to manage the stress of the work world. That’s her husband’s responsibility. It places tension on her which she most often brings back home to her husband and children. She often brings it into the marriage bed.  Working women dealing with depression are the most drug-addicted people in America – think Prozac, Paxil, Luvox.  Worse, many married, working, women often cannot conceive a child until they quit work and set up a loving and peaceful home. Medically speaking, it is even worse for young wives who’ve previously been active in high-competition sports.  In the Garden of Eden God gave men one curse (to work and provide) and women the other curse (to bear and raise children). Why does WCH encourage girls to assume both curses?

Notice WCH’s website for Molly Khang’s job description. She is their Career and College Counselor – nothing about counseling young women being called to domestic life is mentioned in her title.  What advice will Khang give a young woman who does not want either a working career or college? It’s obvious Khang, herself, chose the career route.  What if a Senior girl wants to be married, the wife of a Godly husband, and begin bearing their covenant children into the world soon after high school – something that CRCNA young women routinely did 50+ years ago? Does Khang or anyone else at WCH affirm this calling, too?  Who at WCH teaches these verses, below, to the young women students there?

  • Psalm 127:4-5 “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.”
  • 1 Corinthians 11:3 “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.”
  • 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.”
  •  Ephesians 5:22-24 “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.”
  • 1 Timothy 2:9-15 “in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and [a]moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.  For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless, she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.”
  • 1 Peter 3:1-6Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel – rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.
  • 1 Corinthians 7:1-5a “Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise, the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time,…”
  • Titus 2:3-5 “the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things –  that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,  to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.”

Two generations of Christian Reformed academics, pastors, and women have twisted these texts and others to accommodate militant career women and the resulting destruction of marriage, promoting semi-barrenness (even Rev. Lee and Molly Khang and Rev. Philip Westra and his wife in the Heartland Classis have not had the statistical number of children needed (2.1) to replace themselves), emasculated men in the churches, mothers not home, angry youth, and the lack of interest in even getting married –  all contributing to the demographic collapse of the Christian Reformed Church North America. See chart below.

Also see the impact on Sioux County marriages over the last 23 years on this chart below.

As I told Waylon Pollema, director of campus safety and student support at WCH two years ago, his very presence on the grounds of a Christian High School is a sign of God’s judgment on the parents, Trustees, and area pulpits supporting WCH.  (Since then, Pollema was made a full-time police officer at WCH.)  I also told Pollema, “I graduated from UCHS in 1974 and the idea that our school would need a full-time cop on staff was unthinkable.”  How much violence and criminal conduct is occurring among angry youth at WCH?  Though I can’t confirm it, I suspect WCH is the only high school in the four NW Iowa corner countries having a full-time public safety officer.

Mothers leaving their homes along with Christian high schools making athletics into their idols (new gyms and all) is accelerating God’s curse on His Kingdom people.

We’ve all sinned to some degree in these affairs.  And some women are forced to work out of temporary economic deprivation. But too often we’ve not taught our children properly these matters and we’ve let our vanity, envy, avarice, and idolatries dictate our “faith”.  Deut. 8:11-20 should serve as a sober warning. 

To those women who cry out, “But I have to work because of the high cost of living!” – I would be pleased to meet her and her husband, as a former community bank owner, and explain the Federal Reserve and what a family can do, to mitigate the Fed’s malevolence.  (Prov. 20:10)   If that is, her cry is not a mask for the vain, envious, and selfish lifestyle she is trying to justify.

Though not Reformed, young Christian women should start reading The Transformed Wife both on her website and on Facebook.

Is it time for a Reformed home-school cooperative to arise here in NW Iowa? It could help stay-at-home moms provide excellent Christian education in their homes while sharing skill sets with other moms to supplement training in subjects one mom may be weak in while having a ‘strength’ in another subject she can offer to the student coop.  And they can invest significant amounts of money saved into a family business!

Meanwhile, I would not give a dime to Western Christian High School.

In Christ,

Paul R. Dorr
P.O Box 115
Ocheyedan, IA  51354
Ph 712-758-3660
Email rtp@iowatelecom.net

Run From Molly Khang’s Psychoheresy

Download and print this letter which was sent to Hull Western Christian’s career counselor Molly Khang, the school’s senior administrator Brian Verwolf, and Mrs. Khang’s husband, Rev. Lee Khang, pastor of Ocheyedan Christian Reformed Church, Ocheyedan, Iowa and several members of the school board, well over a month ago. Rescue The Perishing’s director, Paul Dorr, provided them one week to review and let him know if they wanted to have a private conversation, together, before this was released to the public. None of them responded. Ask them why they didn’t want to discuss any alleged errors with Dorr privately. False accusations and gossiping have often been the responses Dorr has received over the years regarding other such public exposures.

Students, Rescue the Perishing is convinced that three generations of Reformed Christians have failed to uphold our covenant faith. Dorr is a Boomer and is convinced that his generation and those before him led the failure. Like Elihu (Job 32) we now need the young people to call the Boomer generation to repentance and back to the ‘old paths'(Jeremiah 6:16), lest we die.

Young women! If your conscience is quietly telling you that the course Molly Khang took is not for you, consider the Titus 2 teachings of an older Christian mother, Lori Alexander, known on Facebook as The Transformed Wife. Alexander is not Reformed so some of her teachings to young women on justification and sanctification are in error. But her teaching of what the Bible teaches women about husbands, marriage, family, child-rearing, etc. are powerful. She is converting thousands of “feminist” Christian women to leave the work world and come home. It’s amazing to watch how the Holy Spirit uses her ministry to gently confront the mocking, scoffing feminist women in the pews and watch, months later as they post their confession of their feminist sinful beliefs and actions, tell how they learned to live off their husbands’ income and be willing to have more babies, and their gratitude to Christ and how he is using Lori to break their hardened hearts. A recent post on Facebook came from a young female Christian doctor who was making $210,000 per year. See The Transformed Wife.

And again, please download and read the letter above Dorr wrote to Mrs. Khang and give it to your parents and church elders. Dorr can be reached at Ph 712-758-3660 or rtp@iowatelecom.net

Update: This recent article below confirms Dorr’s assessment that the younger men in the CRCNA are now challenging the boomer generation of pastors. Praise God! See the article A Surprising Generational Rift in the Christian Reformed Church.

Herman Bavinck On Need For Radicals

The Right of Conscience Over Elders

It is not unbelievers primarily but the devout who have always experienced this power of the hierarchy as a galling bond to their consciences. Throughout the centuries there has not only been scientific, societal, and political resistance but also deeply religious and moral opposition to the hierarchical power of the church. It simply will not do to explain this opposition in terms of unbelief and disobedience and intentionally to misconstrue the religious motives underlying the opposition of various sects and movements. No one has been bold enough to damn all these sects because they were moved to resist the church and its tradition. Even Rome shrinks from this conclusion.

The extra ecclesiam nulla salus (no salvation outside the church) is a confession that is too harsh for even the most robust believer. Accordingly, the “law” we see at work in every area of life is operative also in religion and morality. On the one hand, there is a revolutionary spirit that seeks to level all that has taken shape historically in order to start rebuilding things from the ground up. There is, however, also a false conservatism that takes pleasure in leaving the existing situation untouched simply because it exists and—in accordance with Calvin’s familiar saying—not to attempt to change a well-positioned evil (malum bene positum non movere).

At the proper time, everywhere and in every sphere of life, a certain radicalism is needed to restore balance, to make further development possible, and not let the stream of ongoing life bog down. In art and science, state and society, similarly in religion and morality, there gradually develops a mindless routine that oppresses and does violence to the rights of personality, genius, invention, inspiration, freedom, and conscience. But in due time there always arises a man or woman who cannot bear that pressure, casts off the yoke of bondage and again takes up the cause of human freedom and that of Christian Liberty. These are turning points in history. Thus Christ himself rose up against the tradition of the elders and returned to the law and the prophets. Thus one day the Reformation had the courage, not in the interest of some scientific, social or political goal, but in the name of Christian humanity, to protest against Rome’s hierarchy. Frequently, even in the case of the sects and movements that later arose in the Protestant churches, that religious and ethical motive is undeniably present.  So-called biblical theology also defends an important part of religious truth. When a church and theology prefer peace and quiet over struggle, they themselves trigger the opposition that reminds them of their Christian calling and task.

Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. I, pp. 81-82.

So in the present case, I say to you, stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God.  Acts 5:38-39

South Dakota Friends

Trask Ranch Picnic Speech, July 13, 2024
Paul Dorr’s Speech Given On The Shores of Cheyenne River at the Trask Ranch Annual Picnic In Western South Dakota

Reference links to the speech below:

Governor Kristi Noem:
Open Letter to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem on the Talmudic threat to the free speech of South Dakota Christians.

See Noem’s tie to pro-Israel dispensationalism below.
U.S. Senator John Thune:
Lyman Stewart, founder of Biola College was a dispensationalist.
Thune is one of the most notable alumni of dispensational Biola. John Thune also attends dispensational Central Baptist church.
South Dakota Trusts:
FDIC Banking Deposits by state. Replace “National” in the geographic area filters with South Dakota, New York and Texas…after that you can enter any state(s) you want.

South Dakota Trust Company.
Billy Graham:
Birth Control:
“The Rev. Dr. Billy Graham believes there is nothing morally wrong in the practice of Birth Control…Graham emphasized that birth control was an import answer to the “terrifying and tragic” problem of overpopulation, that there was nothing wrong in Scripture that barred its responsible use, and that the majority of Americans used contraception in any case, “whether they be Protectant or Roman Catholic.” New York Times, 12/13/1959, as cited in Godly Seed: American Evangelicals Confront Birth Control, 1873-1973, by Allan Carlson, p 125-126

Graham’s Talmudic Lawyer on Abortion:
“Harold O. J. Brown entertained hopes that Billy Graham, by far the most influential figure in American evangelicalism at the time, would lend his name to the [sic. Christian Action Council] organization as Koop and Schaeffer had done. After all, Brown’s books carried Graham’s endorsements, and Graham stepped up to provide meeting space in Montreat, NC, for the brainstorming session that gave rise to the CAC.

To that extent, Stephen P. Miller is correct when he claims that “Graham… helped to found a pioneering Protestant antiabortion organization, the Christian Action Council.” However, when it came time to be “in” or “out”, Graham backed away, much to Brown’s lingering dismay. Brown suspected that Graham’s attorney, who also worked with the ACLU, scared Graham and his board away from endorsing the CAC (advising that such stated opposition to a Supreme Court decision could threaten the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s tax-exempt status).

Grant Wacker, professor at Duke Divinity School and Graham’s recent biographer, believes that Graham’s reticence was in keeping with his general character. According to Wacker, Graham had a history of providing initial support to causes like the CAC but stopping with that…..In Wacker’s words, “Graham dipped his toes in a lot of ponds, but when it came time to take a bath, he wouldn’t do it.” However, Wacker also recalls, “Graham did have a Jewish attorney with the ACLU. He was very proud of that—it showed he could reach across lines.”

In Brown’s mind, Graham’s relegating abortion to a non-essential in his ministry meant that Graham’s Gospel, though accurate in what it did proclaim, was truncated by virtue of what it did not proclaim.” p. 119-121

“No Diga Mentiras”: The Pivotal Role Of Harold O.J. Brown In The Emergence Of The Evangelical Pro-Life Movement, A Thesis Submitted To The Faculty In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Degree Master Of Theology, Matthew S. Miller, Erskine Theological Seminary, Due West, SC, April 4, 2015
McHugh and Dr. Calderone:
Bishop James T. McHugh, initial organizer of the National Right to Life Committee and Dr. Mary Calderone, former Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, working jointly to organize SIECUS, with their agenda to promote classroom sex talk across America. Read The SIECUS Circle.

I.e. “Like its parent organization, SIECUS, the AASEC (American Association of Sex Educators and Counselors) has a close relationship with a bawdy magazine, Sexology….Also cooperating in the 1969 conference as a panel discussion participant was another AASEC Advisory Committee member, (then) Monsignor James T. McHugh, director of the Family Life Division of the U.S. Catholic Conference. The association of a Catholic priest with AASEC is a paradox in itself, considering the fact that AASEC membership is generously laced with Planned Parenthood activists.” p 155,

Dr. Mary S. Calderone, executive director, had the vision to see the need for an organization such as SIECUS, gave it its structure , standards and goals, saw it through its infancy and early childhood, and in the face of almost insurmountable odds brought it to maturity in the remarkably short period of four years.” citing Lester Doniger, President of SIECUS, p 11 The SIECUS Circle by Claire Chambers

Also read one of my heroes and former colleague Mrs. Randy Engel’s report here.
Minnesota’s Baptist Pastor Riley and C.I. Scofield at Moody Bible Institute conference in 1914.

Billy Graham launches dispensational radio network in Minneapolis. Now broadcasts on 104 outlets in 10 states including KNWC now known as Life96.5 in Sioux Falls, SD.

Central Church, Sioux Falls, SD, doctrine of Christ to return to establish his Kingdom. See No. 12 under The Last Things.

Governor Kristi Noem is a member of the Family Worship Center in Watertown, which is a member of the Four Square Church denomination. I note from their website that three of their four senior, executive and worship pastors in Watertown are women. Please consider the great error that the President of the Four Square, Randy Remington, makes about Israel, when he writes, “The promise of God to Abraham not only included a land with actual borders but an actual people/nation as his offspring that would be too numerous to number. God sovereignly fulfilled these promises of a people and place, as evidenced in the pages of scripture and our bearing witness to these facts over the past century. Israel’s land and people are miraculously unique and prophetically vital to God’s earthly plans.”

A great theological study on how dispensationalism necessarily leads to antinomianism, that is, the rejection of God’s Law, the Pentateuch.

Who is True Israel? See here.

Want to begin your study on the errors of John Thune’s and Kristi Noem’s dispensational theology? Consider this list of books.
New Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi in South Dakota.

Download .PDF copy of The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Kilpatrick Dilling.

Karaite Rabbi Condemns Talmud Go to Chapter 1 – About the Oral Law, Canto 1

Oldest synagogue in Old City Jerusalem Jewish Quarter – Karaite synagogue.

A Jewish Defector Warns America:
Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Talmudic Zionism _______________________________________
Leslee Unruh:
Salaries saving babies: $176,300 FY2019
CPCs fueling mass murder by abortion for decades.
“Pro-life” young woman testifies before South Dakota legislature while still fornicating with her boyfriend. Counseled by Unruh.
Alpha Center’s degrading abstinence material being used 25+ years ago.

Leslee Unruh’s first husband was a disc jockey at the Sioux Falls dispensational “Christian” radio station KNWC.

Unruh turns the F.B.I. loose on Sioux Falls Operation Rescue leader, Paul Dorr
Leslee Unruh should have been charged with making materially false statements (under 18 U.S.C. § 1001) – multiple times – in this report to the F.B.I. on Paul Dorr. The more Dorr was holding her accountable to God’s Law the more false stories were spread by her. It was malicious. Finally, she took it to the F.B.I., falsely claiming Dorr intended to do violence and that she was afraid of him. Dorr only learned of the federal crimes she was committing well after the statue of limitations had expired. Dorr did a FOIA request of the US Department of Justice and later received this heavily redacted FBI Investigation file. This is lengthy, so scan through it to find the red arrows, red boxes and yellow highlights.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Signs New Law Making It A Likely Human Rights Violation If A Christian Objects To A Talmudist Saying Christ Will Spend Eternity in Boiling Feces!

Rescue The Perishing’s Paul Dorr wrote Governor Noem an open letter rebuking the new law and exposing Talmudic hatred of Christ. Several state legislators received it and one who led the opposition wrote back and thanked us for it. Since distributing across the state Dorr received an invitation to speak on the subject at a major political picnic this summer in western South Dakota. See the full letter Here.

Justice is on Trial in Western Nations said Nuremburg/Tokyo Court Officer in 1949

Iowa had a Supreme Court Jurist who was a hero for the defense of true justice. He was Charles F. Wennerstrum, a Presbyterian from Chariton, Iowa. He served on the panel of Judges in Nuremburg, Germany to oversee the trials of senior German Nazi officers. When he came home he publicly denounced the entire judicial process he experienced and said if he knew 6 months prior what he knew after presiding over their trials he would never have taken the position. Here was one Chicago Daily Tribune article that went world-wide.

Drake University Law Library is now the repository of so much of Judge Wennerstrum’s work. You can enter it here.

But the perversion of justice didn’t just happen in Nuremburg, but Tokyo, too. Wennerstrum’s archives include a fascinating account of a speech given to the Iowa Press Association in 1949 by a defense attorney, Owen Cunningham, who worked in both Nuremburg and Tokyo. Here is an excerpt from his opening remarks.

Our system of Justice is on trial today and has been for the past three years. At Nuremberg in 1945 four nations – Russia, France, Britain, and the United States joined hands to prosecute the German leaders under a principle of law which was nonexistent except for their own say-so. The defendants should have been charged with violations of rules of land warfare only, offenses less grandiose and high sounding, perhaps, but well defined, and recognized by all civilized nations. No one would have complained had an orderly trial, conducted under established procedure universally recognized, been held for the prosecution of individuals for crimes which they individually committed or personally ordered.

It was the creation of new crimes, such as crimes against peace and crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to wage wars of aggression, which was wrong, especially coining and defining these crimes after they were alleged to have been committed. However vehemently Justice Jackson and later the Tribunal tried to deny it, it was legislation after the event and ex-post-facto, and contrary to the highest principles of justice. These Major War Crimes cases were based on a false premise and were destined to establish a bad precedent.

“Our people are beginning to realize this more every day. The recent trial of the Cardinal end Clergymen in Europe, and the threatened trial of Madame and Kiang Kai-Shek have brought this subject closer to our door.

To read Cunningham’s entire speech including history few have ever heard see here.

Join Us Boomers On The Public Sidewalks Along The Sioux Falls Pride Parade Route June 10, As Sioux Falls Pride Meets Sioux Falls Humility!

Dear Pastor, Church leaders and other Christian men;                                         

Per my request several men from my men’s weekly Community early-bird Bible Study have decided to have a very public presence at the Sioux Falls, SD Homosexual Pride Parade June 10.  We are ‘Boomers.’ The men range in age from 65 to 80.  I asked these men to come to Sioux Falls to, first, publicly confess our sins of omission for our past decades of cowardice, apathy and silence in the public square during the advance of the sexual revolution against God’s Law.  Second, we will also call the homosexuals and others lost in sexual sin to repent and turn to Christ.  We intend to use large signs (3’x5’ and 4’x10’) and may have printed literature to pass out. Postal and email invitations have been going out to church leaders for several weeks.

The Holy Spirit convicted us through our study of the book of Jeremiah and now Ezekiel of our sinful omissions and our need to act, to speak up.  Here are some other texts demonstrating our sin of not speaking up. (Lev. 5:1, 19:17, Deut. 13:6-8; 1 Kings 1:6a).

The paralysis and fear of Jeremiah 6:24 must end.  ‘May the Lord shield us and may the feeblest among us become like David.’  (Zechariah 12:8) This group is made up of members of the Christian Reformed Church (primarily), Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and Baptist church. But any and all Trinitarian Christian men, who rightly fear God, are encouraged to join us in this time of public repentance!

Though the idea started in this Bible study, Rescue The Perishing is the one organizing this event.  The Sioux Falls Pride group has set their parade date for June 10, 2023.  Christian friends from Aiken, S.C. are planning to join us. We hope many more will respond like this.

We are not going as some sort of self-righteous heroes, as we know we are coming decades late to the contest. We cry out to God in prayer for His forgiveness of our past silence, His blessing on this public confession of our past sins and His blessings as we then call the sexual miscreants to join us in repentance and faith in Christ! To see the artwork for some of the signs we want carry, click Here. Here’s one below.

This is to extend an invitation to your church and/or your organization to join with us.  You can stand with us or organize your own public repentance and calling the sexual miscreants to repent, a few blocks further down the parade route.

Share this link with the pastors, elders and other men of your church. This invitation is for men of all ages, starting with Boomers.

We are holding a Solemn Assembly the night before in Sioux Falls. A humble yet fearless 41 yr. minister of the Gospel, Rev. Dr. Wayne Sedlak is scheduled to lead us in preaching as to why “We” need to repent and then lead us in prayer. See his recent sermons on this point here.

June 9, 7:00pm Solemn Assembly (location to be announced to those who register) Listen to Rev. Sedlak’s April 30, 2023, sermon on the duty of the Church to repent. Click Here.

Some sermon quotes:
“His[sic David’s] older brother became his enemy as it were….David found a united testimony against standing against Goliath…..We have sinned.  That’s the ‘we.’ Silent in the face of the dominion of unrighteousness. And then of course our theologians go forth and invent all kinds of theologies to justify why we continue to sit back and do nothing instead of first and foremost repenting.”

“There’s one thing about devotions – they’re safe. They’re necessary, but they’re safe. If that’s all Godliness is, there’s no mystery to Godliness. The mystery to Godliness is how you reconcile turning the other cheek to imprecations.”

June 10, 9:00am: Gather on Public Sidewalks on Sioux Falls Pride parade route.

To join you must register Click http://bit.ly/SiouxFallsHumility